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cedar mulch in garden
Cedar mulch adds a clean, landscaped look as seen here

Why use Cedar Mulch in your landscaping, yard, and garden? Author Lindsey Hyland, The Urban Organic Yield, wrote some very good reasons why cedar mulch is the best option for your gardening needs. She writes; Any organic material can be used to create mulch. Mulch is basically a layer that is put on top of the soil for various purposes in gardening. Your typical mulch is made up of wood from bark and wood chips are the most popular types of shredded wood mulch, but there are several other types of mulches such as grass clippings and pine needles. However, using cedar mulch is superior to conventional ones because it offers many benefits such as:

  • Cedar mulch is more durable than other kinds. This means you won't need to replace it as often.
  • Some species of moths and insects like ants, termites, and cockroaches are repelled by the hyrdrocarbons (phenols) that are released into the air.
  • Cedar mulch is non-toxic so it's versatile in that it can be used in both vegetable gardens, and landscaping around shrubs and perennials.

Why is mulch used in flower beds, vegetable gardens, and landscaping? The main purpose is to ensure that the ground is covered. Without cover, the soil runs the risk of deteriorating and soil erosion. Rainfall, wind, dry conditions, and even temperature changes deplete the soil by causing it to lose nutrients and other organic material.

image of cedar mulch

At its most basic function, it is basically a layer that is put on top of the soil. The various purposes are as follows:

  • helps soil retain moisture
  • prevents weed growth
  • helps migrate overheating by keeping the soil cool
  • protects soil from frost during the cold season
  • helps improve any acidic soil by making increasing nutrient-holding capacity.
  • decomposes organic materials and lets the microbial activity thrive
  • finally, for ornamental purposes in landscaping

Fun fact: When tilling (or working the soil), ten percent of the soil's carbon is lost in a day. Since the goal of farming and gardening is to grow better crop yield you must take care of the soil. This is one of many reasons why farmers and gardeners use mulch in their gardens.

How is Cedar Mulch Different?

Compared to regular bark mulches and other organic mulches, the obvious is that cedar mulch is produced by clippings and shaving from cedar trees. However, cedar is superior to any other type of wood due to its extraordinary properties. For example, a cedar tree is generally more durable than other woody plants. It is non-toxic so it can be used in both food growing areas as well as landscaping in your backyard. However, the most distinct feature of cedar mulch is its insect repellent capabilities.

Why do Gardeners use Shredded Cedar Mulch?

Using cedar mulch is superior to conventional mulch because it offers many benefits over other mulches because:

  • cedar mulch is more durable than other kinds of mulch. In other words, you won't need to replace it as often.
  • some species of moths and insects like ants, termites, and cockroaches are repelled by cedar trees which are beneficial for plant growth.
  • cedar mulch is versatile in that it can be used in both vegetable gardens and landscaping as it is non-toxic to other plants.

Insect and Pest Repellent

In fact, cedar mulch is considered to have properties that can fight many insects and pests that can harm tender plants. These phenols are pleasant scents and keep young plants safe from bugs and insects. Further, the phenols that deter many insects are the same acids that are released and inhaled by rodents. These phenols are toxic to rodents.

Superior Moisture Retention

You can retain moisture in your soil by using mulch. Cedar is very effective in water retention and thus keeps the soil moist. The soil moisture can quickly evaporate in dry environments. The result of this is that you will be able to water your plants less often as the soil will not dry out as easily.

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